My Genealogy Hound

Below is a family biography included in Portrait and Biographical Record of Berrien and Cass Counties, Michigan published by Biographical Publishing Company in 1893.  These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary.  Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more.  There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.

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O. A. E. BALDWIN is one of the substantial fruit-growers of Berrien County, Mich., and belongs to that army of intelligent, persevering, courageous people who have gone forth from the State of their birth to build up new industrial empires in various portions of the West. He is a product of the Old Bay State, born in New Marlborough, Berkshire County, April 21, 1849, and the only child resulting from the union of George W. and Exene P. (Hugins) Baldwin, natives also of Massachusetts.

George W. Baldwin was by profession a photographer, and followed that in his native State until 1852, when he came West to Wisconsin. Here he followed mining, but his health failed and he died in 1854. He was a man possessed of more than the average amount of industry and perseverance, and was well liked wherever he made his home. Shortly after his death his wife returned to Massachusetts and in 1856 married William L. Wheelock. They remained in that State until 1865, when they came to Michigan and settled in Berrien County. The rnother is still living and is a resident of Bridgman. She is a most worthy lady and is active in her support of all laudable enterprises. To her last union, as to her first, but one child was born, a son, Charles H., deceased. This son married Miss Lillie Whitten, daughter of Joshua Whitten, whose sketch appears in this work.

The original of this notice was reared principally in Michigan, and was but a few years old when his parents moved to the wilds of Wisconsin. After a short residence there he returned with his mother to Massachusetts, and there made his home until 1865, when he came with his mother and step-father to Michigan. When twenty-one years of age he began working for himself, first as a clerk in a dry-goods store, but previous to this, on first coming to the Lake State, he was engaged in lumbering and grubbing on a farm of twenty acres he had purchased. When in his twenty-fifth year he married Miss Lucy E. Weston, a native of the Empire State, as were also her parents, Franklin L. and Rosamond (Burdick) Weston. Mr. Weston came to this State in 1867, settled in Berrien County, and was one of the leading men of Lake Township, having held most of the important township offices. His death occurred in 1888, but his widow survives him and makes her home in Buchanan. To Mr. and Mrs. Weston were born five children, who were, Flora, wife of Harrison Morgan, of South Dakota; Lucy E., wife of our subject; George W., who resides in Buchanan; Delia, deceased, the wife of Orlando Smith; and Nathan W., of Eaton County, Mich.

Just prior to his marriage, as before stated, our subject purchased a farm, and on this he began his career as a fruit-grower. In 1877 he purchased and moved on his present home place, consisting of twenty acres, nearly all unimproved at that time. This cost him $15 per acre. Of the twenty acres, sixteen acres are under cultivation, fourteen of it being in small fruit, principally different varieties of strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. His place is now worth $100 per acre, and on it he has a beautiful rural home of modern style and with all the necessary improvements. For several years Mr. Baldwin has been Drain Commissioner and has also been School Inspector.

Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, and are named in the order of their births as follows: Myrtle E., Ozro E., Jessamine I., Fern C., Omar A. and Hazel. Mr. Baldwin is a member of Lake Lodge No. 143, I. O. O. F., and has filled all the chairs of his lodge. In 1891 he represented his lodge in the Grand Lodge of the State. He is an active member of the Republican party, and has frequently represented his community in the county conventions, and had the pleasure of nominating the present sheriff. For the past seven years Mr. Baldwin has been interested in the fruit plant trade, and the business has grown to large proportions, he having customers all over the United States and Canada, having in 1893 eight acres of strawberries planted for that trade. In the shipping season he employs from fifteen to twenty hands.

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This family biography is one of numerous biographies included in the Portrait and Biographical Record of Berrien and Cass Counties, Michigan published in 1893. 

View additional Berrien County, Michigan family biographies here: Berrien County, Michigan Biographies

View a map of 1911 Berrien County, Michigan here: Berrien County Michigan Map

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